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The Golden Key to Unlock Good Governance: Managing with Equality

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  The Golden Key to Unlock Good Governance: Managing with Equality

In today’s landscape, NGOs encounter significant challenges related to equality and discrimination. It is more crucial than ever to proactively identify and address these issues in order to strengthen the NGO governance capacity. The Council has invited the Equal Opportunities Commission to introduce the Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, and assist NGOs in implementing good governance for equal opportunities (EO).

【Seminar】Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
- Overview of legal review of key terms related to EO
- Explain the principles and importance of EO in various contexts
- Share significant unlawful acts that contravene EO standards

【Sharing Session】Equal Opportunity Governance
- Explore how to implement preventive measures to enhance EO governance through different case studies
- Utilize EO-related policies and best practices to attract and retain talents
- Apply EO principles to both staff management and service provision
- Provide a checklist for NGOs to review their governance concerning EO

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 21 January 2025 (Tuesday)

【Seminar】2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
【Sharing Session】3:40 pm - 5:00 pm

Venue: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai

Speaker: Ms. Sandy Lung, Senior Training Officer (Policy, Research and Training Division), Equal Opportunities Commission

Language: Cantonese (presentation materials in English)

【Seminar】60 persons
【Sharing Session】60 persons

Target participants: Board / Committee Members, Agency Heads, and Senior Management of HKCSS Agency Members

Interested parties please register online by 7 January 2025. Successful registrants will be notified by email on or before 9 January 2025

For enquiries, please contact the Project team at 2876 2440.

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