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机构董事会亲善探访 2017






Hong Kong Single Parents Association was founded in 1991, with the aim of "Strengthen ourselves, help ourselves, then help others".




Caritas–Hong Kong was founded in 1953 by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Its mission is to help the underpriviledged and the vulnerable ; to encourage people to actualize their potential ; to promote mutual understanding and reconciliation and to nurture a spirit of reciprocity to the community from which the people have benefited. 




    Founded in 1995, Care For Your Heart aims at promoting mutual support and self-help among cardiac patients and family members for betterment in heart health and well being of life.




The Salvation Army has been serving Hong Kong since 1930. Its international mission statement is "The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination". 



Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong, formerly known as “Hong Kong Confederation of Associations of the Handicapped”, was restructured in 1992. Its mission is to promote equal opportunities and full participation for the person with disabilities.    香港复康联盟的前身是香港伤残人士联会,于1992年重组。机构的宗旨是「促进残疾人士的平等机会和全面参与」。
Direction Association for the Handicapped was registered as a non-profit-making association in 1991. It aims at serving primarily the severely physically disabled; promoting mutual-help spirit among our members; developing the potential of the severely physically disabled and striving for the social status and welfare of the severely physically disabled.   路向四肢伤残人士协会于1991年成立,以「主要为四肢伤残人士服务;发挥会员互助精神;协助四肢伤残人士发展潜能;争取四肢伤残人士的权利及社会地位」为服务宗旨。
Early Psychosis Foundation was founded in 2007. It strives to foster destigmatization of psychosis and related disorders by providing educational and mental health promotional activities; to promote channels for timely help-seeking and early diagnosis of psychosis and related disorders; to facilitate the translation of scientific and clinical knowledge into educational information and effective intervention practice; and to provide training and consultation services to allow clinical and research findings to inform relevant professional workers in Hong Kong.   思觉基金成立于2007年,以「透过心理健康教育及推广活动,致力淡化思觉失调的标签效应;推广各种求助渠道,令患者能及早得到诊断;将研究及临床知识转化成教育信息和有效的干预服务 ;为香港的专业人士提供与思觉失调相关的最新、专业的信息及培训」为服务宗旨。
Founded in 1976, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association aims at promoting mutual concern among neighbours, as well as nurturing the youths and serve the community.    香港仔坊会成立于1976年,本着「倡互助共襄邻里、育英才服务社会」之使命,辅以「关怀、乐助、方便、可靠、共享」的服务信念,为小区人士提供多元化的社会福利服务。
The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society was founded in 1963 with the objective of reducing cancer burden in Hong Kong through:   advocating prevention and early detection of cancer; providing treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care and holistic support to cancer sufferers and their families;  increasing awareness and knowledge about all aspects of cancer through education, research and advocacy.  





Founded by a group of dedicated disabled professionals in 1995, the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power aims at empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.   香港复康力量由九位伤残的专业人士于1995年成立,组织的使命为「激励残疾人士发展,培训残疾人士,建立正向思维,推动社企发展,鼓励自力更生」。
Asbury Methodist Social Service was founded in 1960, with the mission "Practicing Christ’s Serving spirit, we go into the community with love and passion, and build a harmonious society with them".    亚斯理社区中心于1960年成立,及后易名为循道卫理亚斯理社会服务处,以「实践基督服侍人的精神, 以爱心及热诚进入社群 ,共建和谐小区」为服务使命。
Founded in 1977, Adventure-Ship Limited aims at providing educational and recreational training at sea. It was the first Hong Kong sailing program ever targeted towards youth with disabilities. By participating in innovative and carefully designed sea activities, the trainees work cooperatively and push themselves in a supportive environment – learning, helping others, and growing.   乘风航于1977年成立,机构宗旨为「透过海上历奇训练活动,增加参加者的自信、互相容让及建立团体精神。」
Hans Andersen Club was founded in 1963, its mission is "Cherish our Children, Cultivate our Community".   安徒生会于1963年成立,以「关怀子女;培育社群」为服务宗旨。
Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) was founded in 1996. It aims at enhancing the living quality of the elderly in the community through the use of technology, people-oriented services, and innovative methods.  


The Parents' Association of Pre-School Handicapped Children was founded in 1986. Its missions include 1. Advocating for persons with disabilities, and monitor the quality of service providers; 2. Providing support to families with newborn handicapped children; 3. Empowering the parents to achieve self-help, mobilize mutual support network among the parents; 4. Promoting public education towards understanding children with disabilities.   


1. 争取残疾子女接受教育、训练、就业及复康服务的机会, 并监察其服务质素; 


3. 推动残疾人士的自助, 互助及团结精神; 


Formed in 1959, The New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association is dedicated to pioneering and delivering people-focused, recovery-oriented, and evidence-based community mental health services with care and respect, innovation and continuous drive for excellence and professionalism.  



Founded in 1998, Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Association aims at projecting the mutual help spirit amongst Parkinson’s disease patient and their family members, promoting the proper awareness and concern of Parkinson’s disease by the public community, as well as fostering the welfare and reasonable rights of Parkinson’s disease patients.   香港柏金逊症会是由一群帕金森征的患者、家属、照顾者及社区人士所组成的自助组织,于1998年成立。宗旨为发挥帕金森征患者及家属互助精神、推广社会大众对帕金森征的正确认识及关怀、关注帕金森征患者的福利及合理权益。
Retina Hong Kong was founded in 1995. Its missions include encouraging patients understand the inherited retinal degenerative disease, educating the public accept the patients for social integration, encouraging communication and co-operation among rehabilitation organizations.   香港视网膜病变协会成立于1995年3月,致力推动科学研究,让患者得到合适治疗;并倡导适切的复康服务,鼓励患者互助自强,携手贡献社区。
The Hong Kong Red Cross was established in 1950. As part of the International Red Cross Movement, the organization dedicates itself to protecting human life, caring for the health of the vulnerable, respecting human dignity by mobilizing people to serve voluntarily for the cause of humanity.   香港红十字会创立于1950年,作为国际红十字运动的一份子,红十字会积极推动社群,本着人道理念与志愿服务精神,竭力:保护生命、关怀伤困及维护尊严。
Founded in 1976, Child Development Centre's mission is "For every child to succeed in their unique learning journey".   明德儿童启育中心于1976年创办,致力为儿童提供卓越的发展评估和早期介入服务,并授予父母、专业、以及社会大众有关知识,令有特殊学习需要儿童的生活更加顺畅。
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf was established in 1968, it aims at providing comprehensive and professional services of the highest standard to ensure equalization of opportunities for the hearing impaired, and promoting self-development, self-actualization and self-sufficient and integration of hearing impaired persons.   香港聋人福利促进会于1968年成立,其宗旨为听障人士提供宣传、教育、康乐、辅导、听觉及医疗等服务;并与其他为听障人士提供服务的组织及人士合作以改善听障人士的福利。
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong Limited was established in 2004. Seeking to put God's love into action, the organization brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.   仁人家园于2004年成立,机构贯彻神爱于生活中,以行动凝聚众人,携手建设家园、社区及希望。
Hong Kong PHAB Association was established in 1972, responsible for the overall coordination and promotion of PHAB work within the community.  The missions of the Association are to promote equal participation, mutual respect and integration for persons with and without disabilities; to develop diversified and socially desirable services and activities, and to transform the "PHAB Integration" from a work approach to a lifestyle, so that the general public could embrace the concept of "PHAB Integration" in their everyday life.   香港伤健协会于1972年成立,致力推动「伤健」理念,务使老与少的伤残及健全人士能不分彼此,在无障碍环境下,并肩参与各项社交、康乐、发展、教育、训练、就业及社区支持服务,藉以增进两者之合作及融合。
The Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong was founded in 1986, following the success of the first Hong Kong Festival of Arts with the Disabled. The vision of the association is “Arts are for Everyone”. It believes that people with disabilities should have equal opportunity to have access to, participate in and enjoy the arts.   香港展能艺术会于1986年成立,机构宗旨是「艺术同参与‧伤健共展能」,相信每个人都有艺术和创作的潜能,欣赏艺术是每一个人的权利。
Founded in 2004, Lo Yau Fong Compuserv Charity Limited has the following missions:   1. Voluntarily visit and provide computer maintenance services to the poor  2. Donate second-handed computers and voluntarily provide configuration and technical support services to the poor  3. Educate members and their children the proper ways of using the Internet and avoid them from indulging in improper Net surfing habit  4. Raise the members’ and the public’s awareness of the importance of protecting property right and buying legal and original software. Fight against illegal downloads of pirated software from the Net  5.Organize different activities to promote computer recycling and the negatives impacts of abandoned computers on human health and the environment.  

脑友坊慈善有限公司于2004年成立,机构宗旨为救助贫困,为贫困人士包括单亲综援家庭、及低收入人士提供义务上门计算机维修服务 ,以及其他相关服务,包括二手计算机捐赠,义务上门安装及教授基本操作等。

The Hong Kong Society for the Aged was founded in 1977. The mission of the organization is to ensure that senior citizens will be properly cared for and given due respect; given the opportunity of furthering their education and personal development at the same time be able to contribute to their families and society; able to grow old gracefully and peacefully.   香港耆康老人福利会于1977年成立。使命在于确保长者得到适当的身心照顾,及备受尊重 ; 享有发展所长的机会、与时并进,对家庭和社会作出持续贡献 ; 自强不息、快乐安度晚年。
Chung Shak Hei (Cheung Chau) Home for the Aged Limited was found in 1969. Its mission is " Caring for the Elderly, to establish various types homes and centre for the elderly, to provide non-profit services and promote social welfare and charity work".    钟锡熙长洲安老院有限公司成立于1969年,本「老者安之」之义,致力为长者提供适切及优质的服务,令长者得到适当的身心照顾及受到尊重。
In 1989, IDEAL was set up by a group of people with intellectual disabilities, their parents and volunteers. It aims at   developing people with intellectual disabilities with skills for independent living; uniting people with intellectual disabilities and their families for mutual assistance and support; promoting awareness and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities in society; and advocating the rights and welfare for the people with intellectual disabilities.  






Founded in 2001, The Pathways Foundation Limited strives to create a nurturing, effective and individualized learning environment, provide SLD specific and evidence-based intervention programmes, build trusting and collaborative partnerships and strengthen public understanding of SLD and promote Pathways’ work.    博思会成立于2001年,致力创立一个具滋养、有效益及个别化的学习环境;提供为特殊学习障碍特定及以实证为本的支援课程;从信任及协作建立伙伴关系;加强公众认识特殊学习障碍及博思会的工作。
Family Value Foundation of Hong Kong Limited is established in 2007. Its mission is to  proactively speak up in the society about keeping families strong and catalyze transformation in our society that will help build up everyone in the family rooted in loving homes.   维护家庭基金成立于2007年,致力维护及倡议家庭价值的重要,主要工作包括政策倡议、跨界别协作、领袖训练及公众教育。
Founded in 1957, the missions of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society Limited are   1.To strengthen our work for children, youths and their families by offering services that address their remedial, preventive and developmental needs 2.To be customer and service oriented 3.To build a team of committed and multi-skilled staff 4.To improve management and operational efficiency 5.To develop new services that fulfill existing and changing social needs 6.To develop funding models to support service changes and new service development 7.To uphold Christian values and provide opportunities for service users to know Jesus Christ our Lord  

香港学生辅助会有限公司于1957年成立。机构针对儿童、青少年及其家庭在行为纠正、预防及发展各方面的需要,提供并不时 强化整全的服务。

InspiringHK Sports Foundation Limited was established in 2012. It instils sportsmanship and charity in and promotes equality for underprivileged teenagers, so as to increase their social mobility.   凝动香港体育基金有限公司于2012年成立,机构通过长期的体育训练及学习经历课程,激发本地基层青少年的体育及慈善精神,创造平等的学习机会,从而提高他们的社会流动性。
中华基督教礼贤会香港区会社会服务部   中华基督教礼贤会香港区会社会服务部成立于1951年,以「实践信仰,以基督的爱服务社群」为使命。









亚洲妇女协进会   亚洲妇女协进会成立于1972年,促进、实施及参加与长者有关的教育和社会福利活动,提供社区为本或院护照顾等服务,并积极发扬「敬老、爱老、护老」的精神,透过提供多元化服务,满足不同长者的需要,从而提高长者的生活质素达致丰盛晚年。
循道爱华村服务中心   循道爱华村服务中心在1963年成立,以「基督博爱精神」提供多元化和优质服务,以求达致「全人关怀」的目标。
仁济医院   仁济医院于1973年由仁济董事局创办,本着「仁者存心,济世利众」的精神,于1978年开始提供社会服务,主要提供安老、复康、青少年及幼儿服务。
义游   义游在2009年成立,旨在于香港推广国际义工服务,希望成为连接国际及本地义工的平台,为推动世界和平及推广世界公民理念作出贡献。
育智中心成立于1991年,为弱能人士家长的需要,提供社区资源服务;促进家长们的联系,鼓励家长建立互助及自助的精神;协助家长以积极态度面对子女的发展及解决个人问题。   育智中心成立于1991年,为弱能人士家长的需要,提供社区资源服务;促进家长们的联系,鼓励家长建立互助及自助的精神;协助家长以积极态度面对子女的发展及解决个人问题。
中华锡安传道会社会服务部   中华锡安传道会社会服务部在1970年成立,在地区内传扬神与人、人与人(及自己)和人与自然环境(包括所处的社区、社会、国家,甚至全世界)之间的复和关系。
音乐儿童基金会   音乐儿童基金会成立于2013年,将专业而美好的音乐带给每一位基层儿童,并藉音乐改变儿童生命,为整个社会创造正面价值。
乐智协会   乐智协会于1975年成立,为智障人士倡导及提供社交康乐活动,使提升其生活质素及促进社会共融。
社会企业有限公司   社会企业有限公司在2010年成立,以「健康照顾」和「环境的可持续发展」为关注范畴,希望将科技融合于照顾上,为「老」、「病」、「弱」及「失业者」创出更多「以人为本」,「以社区为家」、「以乐『盈』家」、「以科技作配合」,以求达到更高质素、更系统化的照顾服务。
基督教宣道会香港区联会   基督教宣道会香港区联会创立于1968年,以基督爱人精神,传扬福音,关怀全人,服务社群。